Aberdeenshire Sensory Support Service

At Hatton (Cruden) School we have the following staff members from the Sensory Support Service who work with us

Rowan Monaghan (Communicator)

Katrina Murray (Hearing Support Teacher)

Kirsteen Scallon (Hearing Support Teacher)


Aberdeenshire Sensory Support Service is a peripatetic service staffed by:-

  • Teachers who specialise in working with pupils with a hearing or visual impairment
  • Communicators qualified and experienced in using either British Sign Language or Braille

Who do they work with?

  • Babies, children and young people with a hearing or visual impairment until they reach school leaving age
  • Parents and carers
  • Staff in schools
  • Other agencies e.g. Health , Social Services
  • Voluntary organisations

When do they become involved?

  • Within weeks of a diagnosis of hearing/visual impairment being made
  • When a referral is made by a hospital specialist, a parent/carer, school or other professional

Where do they provide support?

  • In the home if the child is under three
  • In a playgroup or nursery
  • In a local authority school (mainstream or special)

What do they do?

  • Assess a child’s hearing or vision and then offer recommendations on how the child’s needs can best be met
  • Provide information, practical help, and advice
  • Provide support in the use of specialist resources to promote independence
  • Support the development of language and communication skills in pupils with a hearing impairment
  • Advise and support staff in how to promote inclusion
  • Work alongside teachers where pupils use Sign to communicate
  • Work alongside teachers where pupils use Braille
  • Organise mobility training for pupils with severe visual impairment
  • Monitor a pupil’s progress and provide reports
  • Attend meetings to review progress and plan for the future

How do they do it?

  • by supporting within the classroom
  • by working one-to-one with a pupil outwith the classroom
  • by liaising closely with staff in schools and with other agencies
  • by liaising closely with parents or carers
  • by keeping abreast of innovations and current legislation
  • by promoting professional development amongst staff

You can find out more about this service by clicking on the following link

Additional Support Needs (ASN) Aberdeenshire, Inclusion, Equity and Wellbeing (asn-aberdeenshire.org)