
What is Childsmile?

Childsmile is a national programme to improve the oral health of children in Scotland. You can learn more about Childsmile and their wider team by clicking on the leaflet link below.

Childsmile Practice (

Childsmile in Nursery and School

Childsmile delivers a range of preventive care for children in nursery and primary school who are at increased risk of dental disease. All Primary 1 and Primary 2 pupils at our school participate in Childsmile’s toothbrushing programme.

Role of Education staff

Our school staff and the local Childsmile team work together to ensure that:

  • the supervised Toothbrushing Programme is delivered as part of the daily routine
  • a suitable space is available for the Childsmile team to provide interventions to children
  • a family struggling to get a child to brush their teeth have appropriate support
  • families are informed about Childsmile locally.


A good resource for further information is the NHSG oral health website Teeth TLC. Below is a link to the school area where you will find a range of resources to enhance children’s oral health and to support the development of good oral health habits from a young age.

Children and Young people – Schools (